Human Dignity
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Alveda King was the featured speaker at events at the European Parliament in Brussels, at Parliament in Westminster and in Dublin on Civil Rights, Human Dignity and Faith. Lawmakers were addressed at the events organized by Working Groups on Human Dignity.

Gay Mitchell, MEP from Ireland, on behalf of the Working Group on Human Dignity at the European Parliament, invited Dr. King, PNCI’s Special Representative for Human Dignity, to speak during the meeting of Parliament in Brussels on June 22, 2010.  Dr. King addressed the gathering of parliamentarians and staff reflecting that “the civil rights movement of today is the pro-life movement.”
Dr King stated, “Abortion, like racial discrimination, is an assault on human dignity.
“In our hearts, we know this.  For too long, though, we have looked the other way.  We have not wanted to get involved.  We have convinced ourselves that people will never change when it comes to abortion.
“I’m here to tell you that this is not true.  I have seen change, in myself, in others, and in my nation.  What happened with slavery and racism is now happening with abortion.”
Click here to access Dr. King’s speech.

Dr. Alveda King and Nirj Deva, Member of European Parliment
During the visit, Dr. King met separately with Members of Parliament including Nirj Deva, President of the International Committee on Human Dignity and a Member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group which co-sponsored the event.

Lord Alton introduced Dr. King
In London, Dr. King was the guest speaker for the launch of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Dignity in Parliament in Westminster. Lord David Alton, chair of the parliamentary group, introduced Dr. King who addressed the gathered lawmakers on human dignity and the role of governments to secure and protect inherent rights.

The Rt. Honorable Ian Duncan Smith, UK Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and former leader of the Conservative Party, also spoke at the launch.

Dr King’s remarks included: “Here in Parliament, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Dignity will play an important role to clarify that governments cannot create rights since these rights are not theirs to give or to deny.  Governments can respect or disrespect the inherent rights of all members of the human family regardless of sex, race, nationality, stage of development or condition of dependency. And while governments cannot create rights, governments around the world must be vigilant to protect the rights of all people.”
PNCI welcomes the formation of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Dignity in Westminster to compliment the work of the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group chaired by Jim Dobbin, MP, which promotes the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death especially in areas such as abortion, embryo research and euthanasia.

Dr. King visited the statue of her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) above the Great West Door to Westminster Abbey.
While in London, Dr. King visited the statue of her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) above the Great West Door to Westminster Abbey. In writing about MLK Westminster Abbey states, "Today he is widely celebrated as one of the great prophetic leaders of the later twentieth century, and his name still inspires those who follow his call for Justice."

PNCI thanks Dr. Alveda King for sharing her vision of a world where the rights of all—born and unborn—are respected and valued with lawmakers in Brussels, London, and Dublin. We are proud to work with her to advance justice and human dignity.


