Parliamentary Network E-News

Volume 14
No. 5
July, 2020
International Pressure for Abortion

Pro-Abortion NGOs Rocked by Charges of Racism, ‘White Supremacy’

Two leading pro-abortion organizations operating globally and with UN agencies and officials have been charged with racism and white supremacy by former Black and staff members of color.  Women Deliver and International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC) are both facing charges by former staff who claim racism and what is described as a “white savior complex” perpetuated by white women running the organizations and serving on the boards. As these organizations evaluate their internal actions for racism, they would do well to evaluate their external actions for racism and elitism.


According to [30A54A9F56FD4D7580E0A48283918E5C]Reuters, “Experts said the problems at New York-based Women Deliver were endemic in the NGO world, with widespread complaints of racial inequality in a sector already under fire for sexual abuse of vulnerable women”, referring to the revelation in 2018 that Oxfam staff had used prostitutes in Haiti during an earthquake relief mission which led to a wider discussion of abuse in the sector.

The head of Women Deliver, Dutch-born Katja Iversen who previously held positions at both UNFPA and UNICEF, apologized and took a leave of absence as the organization investigates the charges.  Iversen has been touted for her work on gender equality and has a close relationship with both French President Emmanuel Macron—she is a member of Macron’s G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council—and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Last year at the G7 she attempted to elicit G7 support for the Advisory Council 's Action Plan that stated: "Access to safe abortion is a fundamental right, as it falls within the right of every person to have the freedom of decision over, and respect for, their own body." President Trump’s presence and anticipated opposition prevented her from acting on her plan.

Tweets by former staff have appeared in news reports and opinion pieces.

“My time at Women Deliver was plagued by straight up racist, white faux feminism & toxic clickish (sic) behavior — from the top down,” wrote former employee Chelsea Williams-Diggs,

Also undergoing scrutiny is International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC) which is active at the UN and known for its pro-abortion activism. This month it was selected by UN Women’s Generation Equality Forum to be a leader along with IPPF, for the Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Action Coalition “to ensure efforts to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights are grounded in the realities, expertise, and priorities of feminist movements in the Global South.”

This was a few days before past employees sent their complaints of racism to the IWHC chair of the board saying it was “from the former, truly bold and independent voices of the International Women’s Health Coalition”.

They described a “toxic and racist organisational culture with almost all the power held in the hands of white women at the top of the organisation” and accused some managers of publicly humiliating, intimidating and belittling Black and women of color which they say has been “an open secret for far too long”.

The staff called upon IWHC to release staff from past non-disclosure agreements so “they can speak their truth” and called upon IWHC to decolonize “its philanthropy by shifting funding away from elites within the Global South” and direct it to back to the “center” of movements.

IWHC staff are not alone in calls to decolonize the work in the sector.  The leader of Ipas, Ana Kumar, writing in White Supremacy in Global Health states,

 What we don’t talk about explicitly enough, however, is how white supremacy operates in this sector. In many cases, we focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, mentorship, and funding strategies—which are all important. What we don’t talk about is how the structures and operations of our organizations are part of white supremacist culture. We don’t talk about how white people and those who center whiteness, including me, support policies and programs that perpetuate neo-colonialism.

Ana Kumar ought to read Target Africa: Ideological Neocolonialism in the Twenty-First Century: Ideological Neo-Colonialism Of The Twenty-First Century by Obianuju Ekeocha who warns about neocolonialism and the attitude that disregards and denigrates cultural and religious values in pursuit of the legalization of the death of children in the womb through abortion and population control.

Read more here.

Oh Canada, "Mothers and babies need support, not abortion!"

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic when countries around the world are taking extraordinary measures to save lives, the Trudeau government has been on an abortion-funding spree providing money to the global abortion industry for use in the Global South. The recipients include abortion-performing organizations no longer eligible for US funding under President Trump's Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy.
According to reports, "Canada is dedicating $8.9 million in new international aid to ensure women and girls around the world have access to safe abortions and reproductive health services..."
Canada's International Development Minister Karina Gould said, "We feel particularly right now that it's important to make this funding announcement to demonstrate that we are still committed to SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) even in a pandemic and actually highlighting the fact that these needs exist and are, in fact, exacerbated by the current pandemic."
Of the recently announced $8.9 million, $4.9 million will go to abortion provider Marie Stopes International and $2 million will go to abortion promoter and provider Ipas. Marie Stopes plans to use the funds in part "to increase access to comprehensive SRHR well as to expand access to telemedicine for home-based safe abortion care services."   
According to Ipas, the funding from Global Affairs Canada includes enabling its work in the Global South to streamline "abortion services to improve access to abortion care using innovations including abortion telemedicine, "no touch" and minimal visit abortion care, pharmacy access and accurate information to women who opt to self-manage abortion."
Ipas will also use the funds in its work with humanitarian organizations "to strengthen "light touch" approaches like abortion with pills and self-managed abortion in humanitarian settings".
In one past project, Canada provided Ipas for $4 million to "improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls in selected regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nigeria and Zambia". The project sought "to strengthen social and political support for women's and girls' access to high-quality abortion and contraceptive care and increase the use of these services" and included "providing training on values clarification and attitude transformation to key stakeholders, including Members of Parliament, African Union Commissioners, government officials, youth organizations and partners who are advocating for reform of abortion and family planning laws, especially in the DRC and Adamawa State, Nigeria".
Last month, IPPF thanked Global Affairs Canada for funding its work in the Global South.
PNCI notes that while generously funding the destruction of children in the womb around the world, Canada (as reported in the summary below) refused to agree to the CPD outcome document on the critical need to provide food security and nutrition unless it included references to "access to safe abortion" which it called "a crucial service" during COVID 19.         
Oh Canada, food and nutrition are crucial! Women need nutrition before pregnancy, mother and babies need nutritious food during and after pregnancy, especially during a pandemic. Abortion is not 'a crucial service', unless your goal is population reduction.
Defending Life

Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights

The eleven members of the Commission on Unalienable Rights, established by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last year to "provide the Secretary with advice on human rights grounded in our nation's founding principles and the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights", released their draft report to the public on July 16.
The introduction includes the Commission's concern that "human rights are now misunderstood by many, manipulated by some, rejected by the world's worst violators, and subject to ominous new threats."
The report begins with a look at the founding documents of the United States and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which emerged following WWII and was for the first time a universal recognition of the inherent dignity of human beings.
In explaining unalienable rights, the Commission states: "To say that a right, as the founders understood it, is unalienable is to signify that it is inseparable from our humanity, and thereby to distinguish it from other sorts of rights. The most fundamental distinction is between unalienable rights - sometimes referred to as natural rights in the founding era and today commonly called human rights - and positive rights. Unalienable rights are universal and nontransferable. They are pre-political in the sense that they are not created by persons or society but rather set standards for politics. They owe their existence not to the determinations of authorities or to the practices of different traditions but to the fundamental features of our humanity. They are not founded merely on custom, law, or preference. Human beings never lose their unalienable rights - though they can be violated - because such rights are essential to the dignity and capacity for freedom that are woven into human nature."
The report warns of the dangers of the rapid expansion of what are considered to be human rights by different U.N. agencies, regional human rights systems and specialized organizations like UNESCO stating that as a result, "there are now dozens of treaties, hundreds of resolutions and declarations, and thousands of provisions codifying individual human rights beyond those contained in the nine best-known UN human rights treaties. There is good reason to worry that the prodigious expansion of human rights has weakened rather than strengthened the claims of human rights and left the most disadvantaged more vulnerable. More rights do not always yield more justice. Transforming every worthy political preference into a claim of human rights inevitably dilutes the authority of human rights.
"Caution" in endorsing claims of human rights is advised by the Commission as it states "...the United States should be open but cautious in its willingness to endorse new claims of human rights. This will necessarily raise difficult questions about whether some specific rights claim is legitimately within the scope of the UDHR's principles and commitments."
Read more about the report and opposition to it from extremist groups.

US: Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Funding Restrictions

A recent US Supreme Court ruling on funding for anti-trafficking programs is believed to also apply to US policy prohibiting funding to international groups that perform or promote abortion. In the case of USAID v. Alliance for Open Society International, the Court determined that international NGOs do not have the right to free speech. Under PEPFAR, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program created in 2003, organizations receiving funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development must take an anti-trafficking and anti-prostitution pledge. The requirement was added to the law by Rep Chris Smith to ensure US dollars were not going to organizations that are complicit with trafficking and the enslavement of women and children.
The decision written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh acknowledges that Congress has the right to condition funding to foreign organizations which "helps ensure that U. S. foreign aid serves U.S. interests." The decision states: "In particular, plaintiffs' approach would put Congress in the untenable position of either cutting off certain funding programs altogether, or instead funding foreign organizations that may not align with U.S. values. We see no constitutional justification for the Federal Judiciary to interfere in that fashion with American foreign policy and American aid to foreign organizations."

Actor Thanks President Trump; Asks for Prayer for Pro-Life Leaders

Pro-life actor and film producer Eduardo Verástegui-famous in Mexico and best known in the U.S. for the film Bella-participated in a White House event for the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative Executive Order created to give greater "educational and economic opportunities" to more than 60 million Hispanic Americans in the US today. The event occurred the day after a meeting between President Trump and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador initiating the new trade deal, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
When called upon to speak, Eduardo first explained that he is a film producer whose mission it is "to make films that hopefully not only will entertain, but hopefully will make a difference in people's lives, because we know how media influence - influences how people think."
He then addressed President Trump stating, "Thank you for your leadership in defending the unborn. As you know, Mexicans - the majority of Mexicans support the right to life. And thank you for defending life in America and in Latin America. Without a doubt, you are the best, the greatest pro-life President in the history of the United States. Thank you for that."
The actor also expressed his thanks to President Trump for the new USMCA which he considered to be "a win-win for Mexico and United States" adding that he hoped that it would "make Mexico, America - America and Mexico great together."
The devout Catholic presented President Trump with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe" telling @EWTNNewsNightly on July 14: "I brought the president a beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe because not only is she the icon of the pro-life movement, but at the same time she is the symbol of unity and racial healing."
Eduardo also expressed concern for every leader "who is fighting every day for the unborn" and reminded everyone "who supports and is pro-life to pray for a pro-life leader".
PNCI extends its heartfelt thanks to Eduardo for requesting prayers for pro-life leaders who fight for the unborn. It is truly needed and appreciated.

El Salvador- Evidence Reveals Equal Disregard for Newly Born and Unborn

El Salvador has one of the strongest laws in the world protecting the lives of unborn children. This fact has led to a false narrative that has gone global about a group of 17 women about whom it is claimed have been, or were, imprisoned in El Salvador for miscarriages. This story has been pervasive for years with leading pro-abortion organizations, including the Center for Reproductive Rights and Amnesty International, often citing El Salvador and its pro-life law as 'dangerous' to women to committees at the UN and OAS, in lobby efforts and fundraising appeals, and elsewhere. The reality is that these women, and others like them, were convicted for infanticide with horrific photos among the evidence documenting beating, strangulations, and drownings.
VIDA SV, a pro-life organization in El Salvador, obtained court documents and published the documents detailing each case on its website including photographs, the charges, convictions, reversals, and appeals. The evidence is overwhelming and disturbing but yet has received little attention owing to the pro-abortion appeal of the false narrative.
A number of the women have been released on parole or commutation based on pardons or clemency granted by the country's president according to Ave Maria School of Law Professor Ligia De Jesús Castaldi.
The legal scholar writes how the facts of each case have been deliberately concealed, distorted, and lied about by international pro-abortion organizations in their "zeal" to promote abortion mischaracterizing infanticide as "abortion," "miscarriage" or "obstetric emergency".
She warns, "Decriminalization of infanticide seems to be the next frontier in pro-abortion advocacy, both nationally and internationally.
"If anything, the macabre proposal to tolerate infanticide, in the name of abortion rights, has shown the world the infanticidal logic of abortion and a darker side of the international pro-abortion movement, which seems to be radicalizing to previously unimaginable lengths. The treatment of abortion and infanticide as equivalents, on the part of pro-abortion organizations involved in this litigation, is obviously meant to deceive the public; but it also seems to be based on equal disregard for the life of the unborn and the newly born child."
Clearly, the facts of the deaths of children after birth are of no interest to the pro-abortion organizations as they manipulate these tragedies to advance their own agenda.  
Focus on the United Nations

US Again Speaks Out Against Abortion

The US again spoke out against attempts to include promotion of abortion in a UN negotiated text while the EU, Canada and a number of other countries refused to agree with the draft outcome document of the virtual meeting of the 53rd Commission on Population and Development on the theme "Population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development" if references to abortion were not included.
The impasse resulted in the chair of the meeting withdrawing the text and issuing a report that explains he withdrew the text in part because "no agreement was reached on references to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights". There were also differences among Member States on how to refer to the controversial and questionable outcome documents of the regional review conferences of the ICPD Programme of Action.
"We regret that it was not possible to reach consensus on a declaration this year, noting the central theme of food security and nutrition, an issue of increasing importance as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In recognition of the devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, the Commission should have been wholly-focused on reaching an outcome that supported this theme, and set aside issues that do not enjoy consensus, such as that of sexual and reproductive health."
Support for the inclusion of references to reproductive rights/abortion can be read in a number of country statements including from Canada which called abortion "a crucial service":
"While health systems are straining to respond adequately to the pandemic, it is more important than ever to ensure that crucial services are not diverted so that gains to protect comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights, including access to safe abortion and contraception, are not curtailed."
NGO statements were submitted last fall and can be found on the 53rd CPD website.
PNCI's Director wrote the submission for Priests for Life and emphasized the need to provide food security and nutrition, including micronutrients, for pregnant women and lactating mothers during the first 1000 days of life from conception to the second birthday and for all women and adolescents of reproductive age. The statement explained that when women of child-bearing age are well nourished, they are healthier and better able to provide nourishment for the child in the womb when they conceive, and to make nutritious food choices for their child under age two - all essential to ensuring healthy physical and cognitive development. The end result is that when children thrive, they are empowered to reach their potential, to go to school and become healthy adults who are better equipped to make meaningful contributions to their families, society, and country.
It is profoundly regrettable that abortion activism prevents agreement on the need to provide food security and nutrition so vital for sustainable development especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. 

Abortionist Appointed to UN Position on Health

The president of the Human Rights Council announced the appointment of Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng from South Africa as the new UN Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Holders of the position in the past have promoted abortion as necessary for the enjoyment of health.
The appointment of a leading abortionist, who is also an abortion activist, as the new UN Special Rapporteur on health takes the UN to a new low in allowing radical pro-abortion activists to hold key positions that monitor and oversee policies regarding countries' access to abortion. Such actions take place relentlessly while Member States continue to voice objections to UN promotion or abortion/reproductive health or rights during negotiations.
This appointment excels in extremism as pro-abortion organizations celebrate appointment of one of their own, Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng of South Africa, who has an extraordinarily radical pro-abortion and pro-sex work resume:
-Serves on the board of the Safe Abortion Action Fund
-Serves on the Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing, self-described as "an independent group that has come together in recognition of the lack of equal attention to sexual health, sexual rights and sexual pleasure in research, education, training, policies and programmes regarding sexuality."
-Serves as co-lead for Global Doctors for Choice, South Africa which states that she "delivered a briefing to the U.S Senate on the impact of U.S foreign policy and the Global Gag Rule"; delivered "a keynote address at Population Action Fund on Capitol Hill during Advocacy Week"; and gave "the first ever civil society statement on behalf of 286 global organizations to the Human Rights Council in Geneva for action to ensure safe and legal abortion access globally."
In her application, Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng listed her abortion credentials and also stated that "in 2017, I presented the first ever civil society statement at the 36th Regular session at the Human Rights Council on using human rights standard for access to safe abortion care."
IPPF issued a congratulatory statement:
"The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) warmly welcomes the appointment of Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng...
"Dr T, as she is known, is a South African doctor, women's rights and sexual and reproductive health activist, and the author of the bestseller 'Dr T: A Guide to Sexual Health and Pleasure'.  She is a long-time and powerful advocate for women's rights and has repeatedly highlighted the importance of access to safe abortion as part of comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare."
The Safe Abortion Action Fund could not contain its enthusiasm writing
"A long-time and powerful advocate for women's rights, Dr Mofokeng has repeatedly highlighted the importance of access to safe abortion as part of comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare."
"As a member of the SAAF Board Dr Mofokeng has been actively involved in providing direct expertise on how we can be more effective in our mandate to work towards a world where the right to safe and legal abortion is established and protected, women and others are empowered to exercise these rights and lives are saved."
Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng explains her vision of the new role writing in her application, "In my role as the Special Rapporteur...I would be dedicated to monitoring the states commitments to the obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the right to health."
Pro-life countries need to be aware of her abortion extremism.
Focus on the OAS

IACHR Calls for Access to "Reproductive Health Services" during Pandemic

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), comprised of individual 'experts' similar to members of a UN treaty monitoring body, adopted Resolution No. 01/20  on the Pandemic and Human Rights in the Americas explaining that "the Resolution has been made under the conviction that the measures adopted by the States in the care and containment of the virus must be centered on full respect for human rights."
The resolution includes a call to provide reproductive health services despite the fact that abortion is widely restricted in the region and the American Convention on Human Rights: "Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception."
A section of the IACHR resolution under "women" states: "Guarantee the availability and continuation of sexual and reproductive health services during the pandemic crisis, and particularly step up comprehensive sex education measures and the distribution via accessible media of information in readily understandable language to reach the broad diversity of women."
The Resolution was written by the newly created Rapid and Integrated Response Coordination Unit for the COVID-19 pandemic (SACROI COVID-19).
Pro-abortion activists wasted no time in appealing to SACROI to promote abortion in greater detail producing what they call a "framework document" entitled "Reproductive Health as an Essential Health Service: An Analysis of Recommendation 54 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Resolution 01/2020".
The document includes:
"Sexual and reproductive health services are among the essential health services that need to be maintained during a pandemic, which has been expressed by various national, international and multilateral health authorities. In particular, services associated with care during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, as well as prevention of unwanted pregnancy and termination of pregnancy..."
The IACHR is called upon "to provide greater detail on the obligations of States in the area of sexual and reproductive health care". 
The signatory groups state, "The global health crisis caused by the outbreak of the new coronavirus may worsen or reverse the few advances in sexual and reproductive rights in many countries. 
Legislative News

UK: Pro-Life Hail Victory as Pro-Abortion Amendments Fail

Pro-lifers in the UK are celebrating a victory as two pro-abortion amendments to the UK's Domestic Abuse Bill failed. The proposed New Clause 29, which would have allowed abortion on demand up to 28 weeks, was not selected for debate, and New Clause 28, to permit medical and surgical abortions to occur in any location in cases of abuse, was withdrawn when it was evident it wouldn't pass.  Pro-life MPs spoke against efforts to hijack the Domestic Abuse bill. An amendment by MP Fiona Bruce called for the government to conduct "an inquiry into the safety, number, and impact of abortions carried out under the temporary coronavirus crisis provisions where the place of abortion was the woman's home." The government agreed to do a study.  
"Thank you to the amazing group of pro-life MPs in Parliament who have worked so hard to ensure that these extreme amendments were defeated," said Catherine Robinson with Right to Life UK. "Thank you to the large number of organisations that have all come together to encourage their supporters to contact MPs and ensure this major attempt to introduce extreme abortion changes was defeated."

Northern Ireland Says No, UK Votes Yes to Impose Abortion Law

The UK parliament has voted to approve the imposition of abortion upon Northern Ireland, with both houses approving a bill to legalize abortion on demand in the first trimester, up to 24 weeks in cases of the mother's physical or mental health, and up to birth for fetal anomaly, including Down syndrome. The House of Lords approved the bill by a vote of 255 to 136 and by 253 to 136 in the House of Commons.
The parliamentarians' vote to push abortion on the country completely disregarded a vote by the Northern Ireland Assembly earlier in the month rejecting the UK law. They also ignored arguments of disability activists led by Heidi Crowter who argued the law would discriminate against persons with Down syndrome.
"Despite the efforts of tens of thousands of Northern Irish people, MLAs, Northern Irish MPs and pro-life campaigners, like Heidi Crowter, the U.K. Government's extreme abortion legislation continues to be in place as a result of today's vote," said Catherine Robinson, a spokesperson for the group Right to Life UK.

Kenya: Senate Considers Bill to Expand Abortion

Kenyan legislators are considering the Reproductive Health Bill, 2019, to expand access to abortion. Part Five of the Senate bill, entitled "Termination of Pregnancy", would make abortion permissible in cases of life or health of the mother, fetal anomaly, or in cases of emergency treatment. The language would expand Kenya's current law which limits abortion to cases of the health and life of the mother. The new bill states that reproductive health services are a right to all and that medical providers are obligated to provide information and services.
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops has spoken out strongly against the bill, stating the language of sexual and reproductive rights was purposefully ambiguous. "In the past decades, the words have been redefined by various UN agencies to encompass controversial sexual and abortion rights, including for young children," wrote Bishop Philip Anyolo in a letter. "We cannot remain silent on issues that concern life. We are called by our faith and our African cultural background to protect the life of the unborn," said Bishop Anyolo. Additionally, the Kenya Christian Association called for the legislation to be withdrawn since it did not receive consultation before submission. 
A previous bill to expand abortion failed in 2014.

Guernsey: Abortion to be Allowed

The Guernsey parliament has approved that the island nation's abortion laws be "modernised". The new law will amend the 1997 abortion law to allow abortion on demand up to 24 weeks and up to birth in cases of fetal anomalies. It also authorizes nurses to perform abortions and makes them legal to do at home. Pro-lifers protested ahead of the vote, urging members to 'choose life' and 'let babies live'. The legislation now awaits final approval by the States.

US: Tennessee Approves Heartbeat Bill

Legislators in Tennessee have passed a bill banning abortions after six weeks gestation, the point when a heartbeat is detected. The legislation is one of the strongest protections in the US. Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee praised the bill's passage, tweeting that it's "the strongest pro-life law in our state's history." Abortion proponents, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Center for Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood quickly filed suit challenging the bill and arguing it is not constitutional.
Judicial News

US: Supreme Court Strikes Down State Law Regulating Abortion Clinics

The US Supreme Court has struck down a pro-life Louisiana law that required abortion clinics to have hospital admitting processes in case of abortion complications. The judges ruled in the case of June Medical Services LLC v. Russo that the Louisiana law is nearly the same as a Texas law that was ruled unconstitutional in 2016. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote that the Louisiana law "offers no significant health benefit," but rather, "places a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking abortion." Chief Justice Roberts concurred with the majority opinion, invoking the legal doctrine of stare decisis to treat similar cases alike. "The Louisiana law imposes a burden on access to abortion just as severe as that imposed by the Texas law, for the same reasons," said Roberts. "Therefore, Louisiana's law cannot stand under our precedents."
Dissenting, Justice Clarence Thomas argued the abortion providers did not have standing to bring the case in the first place. "Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction," wrote Thomas.


Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues
Advancing global respect and dignity for life through law and policy.

In this Issue

International Pressure for Abortion
Pro-Abortion NGOs Rocked by Charges of Racism, 'White Supremacy'
Oh Canada, "Mothers and babies need support, not abortion!"
Defending Life
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Funding Restrictions
Actor Thanks President Trump; Asks for Prayer for Pro-Life Leaders
Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights
El Salvador- Evidence Reveals Equal Disregard for Newly Born and Unborn
Focus on the United Nations
US Again Speaks Out Against Abortion
Abortionist Appointed to UN Position on Health
Focus on the OAS
IACHR Calls for Access to Reproductive Health Services during Pandemic
Legislative News
UK: Pro-Life Hail Victory as Pro-Abortion Amendments Fail 
Northern Ireland Says No, UK Votes Yes to Impose Abortion Law 
Kenya: Senate Considers Bill to Expand Abortion 
Guernsey: Abortion to be Allowed 
US: Tennessee Approves Heartbeat Bill 
Judicial News
US: Supreme Court Strikes Down State Law Regulating Abortion Clinics
Visit us on the web! has been updated with expanded information on Human Dignity and critical issues including: Abortion, Bioethics, Child Mortality, End of life issues, Infanticide, Maternal mortality and Sex-selective abortion.
Contact PNCI
Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues
P.O. Box 20203
 Washington, DC 20041
PNCI is a global outreach of Gospel of Life Ministries.

All news articles include links to original source. PNCI cannot verify that the information contained in the news articles is accurate. 
