Human Dignity

Human dignity, bestowed by God and recognized by man, is inherent and inviolable in each and every human being. Human dignity cannot be taken from anyone-despite present and past attempts by some to dehumanize, marginalize and disenfranchise individuals and whole groups of people –because it is not given by any government or political body.
In the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights the basic rights of women and men were recognized by the member states of the United Nations. The Preamble stated: "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world".
Today some governments have denied and ignored basic rights guaranteed through natural law and resorted to self-determination of rights to those they determine to be "worthy" of rights based on subjective and selective criteria of efficiency and utility to society. The failure to protect all members of the human family— regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, disability, creed, stage of development, or condition of dependency—diminishes the rights of all and renders rights dependent on the capricious decisions of governments.
Other governments, mostly in developing countries, maintain recognition of inherent human dignity. Core religious beliefs and cultural values enlighten, encourage, and empower women and men serving in political office to stand firmly against those who advance the view that an individual’s worth is dependent upon their usefulness or wantedness and oppose attempts to legalize abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and embryo destroying stem cell research. 
Religious values which protect human dignity for all are recognized by pro-abortion activists as impediments to efforts to legalize abortion and strategies are devised to thwart, negate and even co-opt faith and religion. This is evidenced by the statement of Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): "I believe that religion is the final frontier in our work to promote human rights, including the rights of women and the right to sexual and reproductive health. I firmly believe that including faith-based organizations… will generate greater progress, even in dealing with what is considered taboos such as sexual orientation, gender identity, abortion or sex work."
PNCI advocates for inherent human dignity and urges religious leaders and men and women of all faiths to interact with their political leaders to defend the sanctity of life and in some countries, to change laws which devalue and destroy life. PNCI promotes human dignity for all from the first moment of creation to natural death.
Dr. Alveda King serves as PNCI’s Special Representative for Human Dignity.

Dignitatis Humanae Institute
Brings attention to the infinite value of every single human life through the Universal Declaration of Human Dignity
Family Research Council
Recognizes and respects the inherent dignity of every human life from conception and provides educational material on building a culture of life.
Manhattan Declaration
Declaration in defense of foundational principles of justice and the sanctity of life
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Provides educational materials on the right to life from conception to natural death to educate the public, the faithful, and government officials on life issues